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Suicide: 2nd Leading Cause of Death for 10-34 Year Olds

Yes, it’s true. According to the CDC, suicide ranks second in the number of deaths for 10-34 year olds. Last year, again from CDC statistics, there were 93,300 accidental drug overdoses. There were over 19,000 homicides—all tragic losses for those families.

I challenge Christian churches worldwide to speak out about suicide. Last year, there were 1.4 million suicide attempts—in America alone, and that is only those recorded by hospitals. It is a staggering and sobering thought that so many are desperate, depressed, and void of peace in their lives.

What about the families and loved ones left behind? The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention believes that 100 people are affected by every suicide loss. So if there were 48,000 suicides in America last year, there were 4.8 million people suffering through their loss. What is YOUR church doing to help those families?

I believe the loving message of Jesus Christ, his death and resurrection, is a life-saver for us all. We all are broken, and need to know that we are loved, forgiven, and important to our Heavenly Father. That is the challenge to the church and Christians worldwide: love others, forgive over and over again, allow grace to permeate and heal your relationships.

And may you have the power to understand as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God.” Ephesians 3: 18-19 NLT

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Elaine Kennelly

Author & Speaker

”Finding Peace After a Suicide Loss”


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